Going Skin Deep: Skin Serum

Sesha Serum oranges

Skin Serum.This product is especially vital for my 30+ ladies. Your skin will love the consistency of this product and its fast absorption into your skin. Skin serum is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and firming ingredients.

Carmen’s Tip: When you apply it to your skin, give special attention to the expression lines on your face (aka “Wrinkle lines” but at Beauty Alibi we call it “Expression lines”)

Recommendation:Sesha Complex-C Serum

This advanced anti-aging complex combines the power of Vitamin C with the most innovative active ingredients to increase epidermal thickness, elasticity, restore the skin’s dermal structure, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles for smoother, younger-looking skin.



This post is part one (Going Skin Deep) of a two part series which include excerpts of the article that was recently published in Emerge Woman Magazine Volume 1 Issue 3.