Breathe in, breathe out! Inhale and exhale. I am trying to calm myself. You may think I’m doing yoga or meditating, right? No. I have too much energy for these modalities. I am thinking… should I ride a bicycle or a motorcycle? Why not both? That’s what’s next on my bucket list: a bicycle. After asking my brother for advice (he’s been in the sport of bicycle and motorcycle riding), I decided to buy a bicycle. I have not ridden a bicycle since I was probably 12 years old. I did not fall, it felt like I was thrown over the bike and landed on my shoulders. I got over the fear of that experience and I bought a GT bike in royal blue with neon orange accent colors. Vibrant, happy, and ready to ride! Perfect! I decided to try it for the first time and I spent like 2.5 hours (8 miles) riding it. I felt like a pro, haha! Like I was outside of my body, yes! A new addition for our camping trips.
We have a new mini trailer, kayaks, and now bicycles. Another way to exercise! Another opportunity to look for new outfits and lipstick. I have such a girly spirit! I have to write it again my friends, #beautyalibilipsticks with its rich and creamy formula using vitamin A and E and jojoba oils protects my lips. They also make me feel good and fabulous 😌 . These are a few names of lip colors I used this summer: #fusion #marrooned #tranquility #justcoral #grapevine #persimmon. It’s still summer until it’s cold, so enjoy it. Have fun and put some color on your lips 👄 and smile! Life is a gift! Before I finish I want to say that I also enjoy rides on a motorcycle! Yes!!!! This will be my next adventure: learn how to ride a motorcycle. So many things to do in such little time. Life is a gift!